about us

Davos Instruments is a Spin-Off from the PMOD/WRC, founded in 2016.

We develop high precision measurement equipment for solar radiometry and offer engineering services in related fields of application.

Our interdisciplinary team consists of engineers and physicists with expertise in ground- and space-based solar radiometry, mechanical and electrical engineering.

Based in Davos, Switzerland we rely on local suppliers and aim to combine living in the beautiful mountain environment with a technically challenging job.

Our team

Markus Suter, physicist, former PMOD/WRC employee.
Valeria Büchel, mechanical engineer, former PMOD/WRC employee.
Daniel Frost, mechanical engineer.
David Leuenberger, electrical engineer.
Samuel Suter, geoinformatics engineer.
Jon Buchli, electrical engineer.
Thomas Uehlinger, physicist.

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